Allergy Hero Report Guide


The first page of your Allergy Test report shows your patient data, as well as a summary of your detectable allergic sensitizations.

These pages of your report show a detailed list of all the allergy triggers tested (either as an allergen extract or a molecular allergen), its scientific name, the protein family it belongs to, as well as the measured IgE

At the end of the detailed report, you will find your total IgE count (measured in kU/L, which stands for kilounits per litre). The total IgE count indicates the likelihood of an allergy.

In the second half of your report, you will find a summary of all allergen sources tested.

The final part of your report is the interpretation of your results. This interpretation indicated associated symptoms, possible cross-reactions, as well as the possibility of immunotherapy for each allergen you are sensitized to. This part is also very valuable for your allergy specialist, because they will base your final diagnosis and subsequent therapy options on this information.


The first page of your Food Sensitivity Test report shows your patient data, as well as an overview of your IgG profile.

These pages of your report show a detailed list of all the food antigens tested, as well as the measured IgG concentration for each antigen.

In the second half of your report, you will find a summary of all food sources tested.

The final part of your report is the interpretation of your results. This interpretation indicates associated symptoms and lists foods and dishes frequently containing the food antigens, as well as alternative foods and dishes you can try to integrate into your diet instead.